Established in 2022, the Fireside Christian Homestead is communal-based. Members and volunteers come together to work towards the vision of being in unity with God, each other and caring for, as well as living off, the land. We have chosen to live a simpler life: in short, reduced reliance on digital technology, reserving areas of the land that are internet and cell phone free, sharing meals, worship, and family time together, offering a place for spiritual growth and healing, and learning to live a self-sustaining life through agriculture and animal husbandry. Contact us to learn more about our life and vision.
We love volunteers! They bring contagious enthusiasm to the Homestead and we appreciate the opportunity to learn from each other as we interact through the day.
Volunteer: You can participate in our daily life, joining in day-to-day chores and projects, gathering for worship and sharing meals together, serving our retreat visitors, and participating in special Homestead events. Inquire and let’s talk about it.
Membership: Looking for a deeper relationship? As a Member, we consider our devotion to God, each other and our way of life, as a life-long commitment. This covenant of faithfulness to Him and to fellow Members, who we call “Brothers” and “Sisters”, makes mutual trust and serving each other in love, possible.
Stated simply, membership is purely voluntary and is open to all who feel a call to serve God in faithful community with fellow brothers and sisters, are open to Biblical discipleship, are willing to offer voluntary service, want to live a simpler, non-consumeristic life, and have followed Biblical conversion of repentance and baptism with the infilling of the Spirit of God. You may feel you need to explore further what this vision looks like actually lived out. If your heart is open and you would like to learn more, we invite you to call or visit us.